I already discussed about Lisp in my previous post. I think you got an idea regarding Lisp Programming language. Now I almost completed my project "Design of a Lisp Interpreter with a web front-end". In this post I want to explore the development stages of my Lisp Interpreter.
A language interpreter has two parts.
In this project parsing and execution are done by the lispio.py and lisp.py module respectively. Now I think you got an idea about what an interpreter actually do in its process stage.
Now we know that basis for both programs and data in Lisp is the S (symbolic) expression. An S expression may be a symbol, a number, or a series of S expressions in parentheses. Here are some examples.
I have already told that lispio.py module used for parsing. It imports other two modules are string and sys. It declare one variable 'inline' and assign it to null.
First of all getSexp() used to read input from the user. Here is the function
GetToken() uses nextChar() to see if the next character is part of the token it is building and getChar() to grab it.
So nextChar() actually has to deal with getting input from the user. This function import app.py module, because user write their expressions on the textarea in web page not on the console. Userinput should assigned to a global variable 'data1' on app.py, nextChar() use these global variable to access the userinput. This accessed data must be assigned to another global variable 'inline' . nextChar() then take one by one characters from this data. Here is the last function
Next we have to show the working of getToken() and getSexp() a bit.
Note: Here I show the working of functions using terminal. Using existing code we cannot run it on terminal. since I want to show you the output of getToken() and getSexp(), for that i made some changes on the code. You can not run it on terminal, So you just need to look out the output of each functions and realize its working only. I am sure, following example provide more informations regarding the working of getSexp() and getToken() to you.
putSexp() is also included in this module. The main purpose of this function is to provide result back in the proper manner. Here is the function
This Lisp implemented in Python is mostly a translation of the original Lisp. If you have a chance to look at the original Lisp in Lisp, I think you'll agree with me that the Python code is much easier to get your head around. During the study stage of my project I have searched for the existing Lisp interpreters, at that time I had found alot of standalone Lisp interpreters in different languages but I could not found any online lisp. Major advantage of this project is the online accessibility, I mean user can easily use this Lisp interpreter via internet.
In this project web.py is the framework used for the web interface development. Three major files used in this project are app.py, lisp.py and lispio.py. Here app.py is the web application file, project execution also started from this file. Other two modules (lisp.py and lispio.py) used for lisp interpretation process.A language interpreter has two parts.
- Parsing :The parsing component takes an input program in the form of a sequence of characters, verifies it according to the syntactic rules of the language, and translates the program into an internal representation.
- Execution : The internal representation is then processed according to the semantic rules of the language, thereby carrying out the computation.
In this project parsing and execution are done by the lispio.py and lisp.py module respectively. Now I think you got an idea about what an interpreter actually do in its process stage.
Now we know that basis for both programs and data in Lisp is the S (symbolic) expression. An S expression may be a symbol, a number, or a series of S expressions in parentheses. Here are some examples.
style="text-align: left;">hello
(hello 34 (world 56))
As a web based application here user interaction is done with the browser. User can write their Lisp code in textarea field. After that they need to press the Evaluate button. Now I welcome you all to the code section.I have already told that lispio.py module used for parsing. It imports other two modules are string and sys. It declare one variable 'inline' and assign it to null.
import string, sys
This module have been built up on a number of simple functions, such as getSexp(), getToken(), nextChar(), getChar() and putSexp(). Next I want to explain the working of each functions.First of all getSexp() used to read input from the user. Here is the function
def getSexp () : # get an S expression from the user
"return and discard the next S expression, along with any nested ones in input"
a = getToken()
if a == "'" : return ['quote', getSexp()]
elif a != '(' : return a
a = []
while 1 :
b = getSexp()
if b == ')' : return a
getSexp() used to input an S expression from the user and return the equivalent python list. This function uses getToken function to extract symbols, numbers and special characters from the input provided by the user. It also uses itself to extract nested S expressions. getSexp() uses these tokens to generate the corresponding list in python and return this list back to the app.py module. def getToken () :
"return and discard the next symbol, number or special character in input"
while nextChar() <= ' ': getChar() # skip whitespace
a = getChar()
if a in ['(',')',"'"] : return a
while nextChar() > ' ' and nextChar() not in ['(',')'] :
a = a + getChar()
try : return float(a) # if a number, make it a float
except : return str(a) # otherwise a string with the symbol name
GetToken() uses nextChar() to see if the next character is part of the token it is building and getChar() to grab it.
def nextChar() :
"""return (but don't discard) the next character in the input stream
get more from the user if needed"""
global inlin, data
import app
if inline == ""
inlin = data
if inlin == "" : raise "EOF error"
return inlin[0:1]
So nextChar() actually has to deal with getting input from the user. This function import app.py module, because user write their expressions on the textarea in web page not on the console. Userinput should assigned to a global variable 'data1' on app.py, nextChar() use these global variable to access the userinput. This accessed data must be assigned to another global variable 'inline' . nextChar() then take one by one characters from this data. Here is the last function
def getChar() :
"""return and discard the next character in the input stream"""
global inlin
c = nextChar()
inlin = inlin[1:]
return c
getToken() uses this function to take one by one characters from the global variable inline.Next we have to show the working of getToken() and getSexp() a bit.
Note: Here I show the working of functions using terminal. Using existing code we cannot run it on terminal. since I want to show you the output of getToken() and getSexp(), for that i made some changes on the code. You can not run it on terminal, So you just need to look out the output of each functions and realize its working only. I am sure, following example provide more informations regarding the working of getSexp() and getToken() to you.
anoop@anoop-laptop:~$ python
Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:09:56)
[GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import lispio
>>> while 1:
... print lispio.getToken()
Lisp>(+ a b)
Lisp>(car '(a b))
Here first i gives an S expression (+ a b) to getToken(), after processing this function returns the corresponding tokens. Next i gives another S expression (car ' (a b)) it also returns the corresponding tokens. getToken() returns these tokens back to the getSexp(). Next we have to see how lisp S expressions are converted to Python lists anoop@anoop-laptop:~$ python
Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:09:56)
[GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import lispio
>>> while 1:
... print lispio.getSexp()
Lisp>(cdr '(a b))
['cdr', ['quote', ['a', 'b']]]
Lisp>(= 5 6)
['=', 5.0, 6.0]
getSexp() returns the corresponding list of S expressions. Above examples shows all working of getToken() and getSexp(). putSexp() is also included in this module. The main purpose of this function is to provide result back in the proper manner. Here is the function
def putSexp (s):
"return string form of an S expression"
if type(s) == type([]) :
if 0 and len(s) and s[0] == 'quote' : return "'" + putSexp(s[1:])
else : return '(' + string.join(map(putSexp,s)) + ')'
else : return str(s)
The main functions in lisp.py are eval and apply. Each is a set of if/elif/else statements. The other functions, pairlis, assoc, evcon, and evlis are just auxillary functions. You will notice that they are tail recursive.
Tail Recursion
We should talk about tail recursion a bit. It is used in our python code although sometimes we could used a for or while loop instead. However if you want to create Lisp functions then you must use tail recursion because we are not providing any other means of iteration.
Lets look at an example. A call to assoc(x, alist) walks down the name/value pairs in the alist until it finds a pair whose first element matches x. Then it returns the second element (the value). Here is how to write assoc using a for loop.
def assoc (x, alist) :for pair in alist :if pair[0] == x : return pair[1]raise "Lisp error"
With tail recursion the function look like this
def assoc (x, alist) :if not alist : raise "Lisp error"elif alist[0][0] == x : return alist[0][1]else : return assoc(x,alist[1:])
There are 3 possibilities. If the first pair on the alist is the one we want, return its 2nd element. If there is no 1st element, raise an error. Or simply search the rest of the alist recursively. Eventually either the right pair will be found or an error will be raised.
After getting the result back from the getSexp(), app.py module calls the eval() of lisp.py. An important term used in this module is the 'alist' (association list). It is permanently set to the global variable. It is used to hold the value of variables in alist, so we can hold many variables and their values in list, also we can access these values in various situation during the execution process.
Functions in lisp.py:
eval() and apply() are the main functions in this module. First of all I want to discuss other simple functions used here, then only I can explain this main functions efficiently.
def pairlis (x,y,alist) :
"""push symbols in x along with respective values in y onto the alist"""
if not x : return alist
else : return [[x[0],y[0]]] + pairlis(x[1:],y[1:],alist)
I have already explained it above this document. This function used to find the value of variable x in the given alist.def assoc (x, alist) :
"look up x on the alist and return its value"
if not alist : raise "Lisp error"
elif alist[0][0] == x : return alist[0][1]
else : return assoc(x,alist[1:])
def power(x,y):
if y==0:
return 1
elif x==0:
return 0
elif y==1:
return x
elif y%2==0:
return var_even*var_even
return x*var_odd*var_odd
def ifcon(s,alist):
if eval(s[0],alist) == 't':
return eval(s[1],alist)
return eval(s[2],alist)
evcon() and evlis()
def evcon (c, alist) :
"evaluate cond. Note just the pairs passed in c"
if len(c) == 0 : return []
elif eval (c[0][0], alist) : return eval (c[0][1],alist)
else : return evcon(c[1:], alist)
def evlis (l, alist) :
"evaluate all elements in a list, returning list of the values"
if not l : return []
else : return [eval(l[0], alist)] + evlis(l[1:], alist)
evcon() is special for handling condition expressions. evlis() similar to the python map(). It evaluates each item in the list passed and returns a list of the values.
Two other simple functions are,
def isSymbol(x) : return type(x) == type('')
def isNumber(x) : return type(x) == type(0.0)
These functions return boolean values.
Important functions:
After getting result (list) from the getSexp(), calls the eval(). List and alist are the arguments passed to it. eval()
def eval (exp, alist) :
"evaluate an S expression using the alist"
global Alist
if debug : print "--Eval---", sxp(exp), " alist=",sxp(alist)
if exp == 't' : return 't' # true evaluates to itself
elif exp == 'nil' : return 'nil' # symbol nil same as a null list
elif exp == 'alist' : return Alist # special command to examine alist
elif isNumber(exp) : return exp # numbers eval to themselves
elif isSymbol(exp) : return assoc(exp,alist) # look up variables
else : # check for special forms
if exp[0] == 'quote' : return exp[1]
elif exp[0] == 'def' : # special extra. Let user define functions that stick
alist = Alist = pairlis([exp[1]],[exp[2]],alist)
return exp[1] # return function name
elif exp[0] == 'if' : return ifcon(exp[1:],alist)
elif exp[0] == 'cond' : return evcon(exp[1:], alist)
else :
x = evlis(exp[1:], alist)
return apply (exp[0],x , alist)
def eval (exp, alist) :
if exp == 't' : return 't' # true evaluates to itself
elif exp == 'nil' : return 'nil' # symbol nil same as a null list
elif exp == 'alist' : return Alist # special command to examine alist
If the given expression is 't', 'nil' and 'alist' means the function returns 't', 'nil' and 'alist' respectively. 't' means true, 'nil' means false and 'alist' means the current values in the alist. elif isNumber(exp) : return exp # numbers eval to themselves
elif isSymbol(exp) : return assoc(exp,alist) # look up variables
else : # check for special forms
if exp[0] == 'quote' : return exp[1]
elif exp[0] == 'def' : # special extra. Let user define functions that stick
alist = Alist = pairlis([exp[1]],[exp[2]],alist)
return exp[1] # return function name
elif exp[0] == 'if' : return ifcon(exp[1:],alist)
elif exp[0] == 'cond' : return evcon(exp[1:], alist)
else :
x = evlis(exp[1:], alist)
return apply (exp[0],x , alist)
(quote charlie) yields charlie
(quote (a b c)) yields (a b c)
'def' allows us to set variables or define functions by adding a pair on to the global Alist. Also returns exp[1]. For example
Note: Here I shows the examples using terminal, using existing code we canot run it on terminal. Just try to realize its working.
Lisp>(def a 7) # here assign 7 to variable 'a'
Lisp>a # display the value of a
Lisp>(def a (lambda (x) (b))) # Define a function 'a'
If exp[0] contain 'if' , then calls the ifcon() to evaluate the condition to return result. For example.
(if (> 4 5) (+ 4 3)(- 6 7)) It means if 4>5 then 4+3 else 6-7. here function return -1.
(if (< 4 5) (+ 4 3)(- 6 7)) function return 7
If all these conditions are false, then eval() calls the apply().
def apply (fn,args,alist) :
"apply a function fn to its arguments in args"
if debug : print "--Apply--", sxp(fn), " Args=",sxp(args), " alist=",sxp(alist)
if isSymbol(fn) : # name of a function
if fn == 'atom' : return [[],'t'][type(args[0]) != type([])]
elif fn == 'car' : return args[0][0] # first element of 1st arg
elif fn == 'cdr' : return args[0][1:] # tail of 1st arg
elif fn == '+' : return args[0]+args[1]
elif fn == '*' : return args[0]*args[1]
elif fn == '-' : return args[0]-args[1]
elif fn == '/' : return args[0]/args[1]
elif fn == '^' : return power(args[0],args[1])
elif fn == '<' : return ['nil','t'][args[0] < args[1]]
elif fn == '<=' : return ['nil','t'][args[0] <= args[1]]
elif fn == '>' : return ['nil','t'][args[0] > args[1]]
elif fn == '>=' : return ['nil','t'][args[0] >= args[1]]
elif fn == '=' : return ['nil','t'][args[0] == args[1]]
elif fn == 'not' : return [[],'t'][args[0] == []]
elif fn == 'cons' :
if type(args[1]) != type([]) : args[1] = [args[1]]
return [args[0]] + args[1]
else : return (apply(eval(fn,alist),args,alist))
elif fn[0] == 'lambda' : # a function definition
return eval (fn[2], pairlis(fn[1],args,alist))
else : raise "Lisp error"
Arguments passed to it is the function name, arguments and alist. Based on the function name perform arithmetic functions such as addition, subraction, multiplication, division. Also perform <, <=, >, >=, = operations. We can also find the power of a number.
(+ 1 (+ 2 (+ 3 4))) is the same as (+ 1 (+ 2 7)) is the same as (+ 1 9) which yields 10,
(+ (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4)) is the same as (+ 3 7) which yields 10,
(- 10 7) yields 3,
(- 7 10) yields 0,
(+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6)) is the same as (+ 12 30) which yields 42,
(^ 2 10) yields 1024,
(< (* 10 10) 101) is the same as (< 100 101) which yields true,
(= (* 10 10) 101) is the same as (= 100 101) which yields false.
elif fn == 'car' : return args[0][0] # first element of 1st arg
elif fn == 'cdr' : return args[0][1:] # tail of 1st arg
If the function name is 'car', then it returns the first element of the first argument. If the function name is 'cdr', then it returns the tail of the first argument. For example
(car ' (a b c)) yields a,
(cdr ' (a b c)) yields (b c),
(car ' ((a) (b) (c))) yields (a),
(cdr ' ((a) (b) (c))) yields ((b) (c)),
(car ' (a)) yields a,
(cdr ' (a)) yields (),
elif fn == 'cons' :
if type(args[1]) != type([]) : args[1] = [args[1]]
return [args[0]] + args[1]
If the function name is 'cons', then it combines the arguments to make a new list. For example.
(cons ' a ' (b c)) yields (a b c),
(cons ' (a) ' ((b) (c))) yields ((a) (b) (c)),
(cons ' a ' ()) yields (a),
elif fn[0] == 'lambda' : # a function definition
return eval (fn[2], pairlis(fn[1],args,alist))
Another special form used for user defining functions. It is easiest to provide an example and explain it. The following is a function definition to square a number.
(lambda (x) (* x x))
The symbol lambda introduces this form. It is followed by an S expression with the function parameters, and an S expression which is the body of the function. It may be applied to arguments just like any primitive function.
((lambda (x) (* x x)) 2) evaluates to 4.
I added one special form not in the original code. (def x y) will bind a name x to an S expression y. The alist is saved in a global variable when these definitions are made and therefore remain for later evaluations. This form is especially useful to bind names to functions. For example,
(def square (lambda (x) (* x x)))
(square 4) evaluates to 16
Here is a definition for the function
which returns the number of S expressions in a list. I used an indentation style that matches left and right parens either on the same line or vertically.(def length
(lambda (x)
((not x) 0)
( t (+ 1 (length (cdr x))))
(length '(a b c d e f g)) yields 7
We can define a function , that find the factorial of a number.
(def fact (lambda (n) (if (< n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1))))))
(fact 9)
Evaluates to 362880
(def fact (lambda (n) (if (<= n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1))))))
(fact -5) Evaluates to 1
This is the structure of my project. I think you are satisfied with this explanation. You can download the lisp.py module from here
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